templates/about/howitworks.html.twig line 1

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  5.                 <h2 class="h1"><span class="font-weight-bold">Comment</span> ça marche?</h2>
  6.                 <p class="lead mt-3">
  7.                     A partir d'une date ou d'un lieu nous vous proposons les tournois et festivals qui correspondent avec toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin.
  8.                 </p>
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  17.                             <a class="nav-link flex-sm-fill text-sm-center active" id="tab-link-example-7" data-toggle="tab" href="#link-example-7" role="tab" aria-controls="link-example-7" aria-selected="true"><i class="far fa-thumbs-up mr-2"></i>Trouver le tournoi ou festival</a>
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  20.                             <a class="nav-link flex-sm-fill text-sm-center" id="tab-link-example-8" data-toggle="tab" href="#link-example-8" role="tab" aria-controls="link-example-8" aria-selected="false"><i class="far fa-building mr-2"></i>Présenter votre tournoi ou festival</a>
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  35.                                             <span class="fas fa-search"></span>
  36.                                         </div>
  37.                                         <h5 class="font-weight-normal my-3">1. Votre recherche</h5>
  38.                                         <p>Avez vous une date ou un lieu précis?<br />&nbsp;</p>
  39.                                     </div>
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  48.                                         </div>
  49.                                         <h5 class="font-weight-normal my-3">2. Parcourir la liste</h5>
  50.                                         <p>Parcourez la liste des tournois et festivals qui vous sont proposés.</p>
  51.                                     </div>
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  59.                                             <span class="fas fa-trophy"></span>
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  61.                                         <h5 class="font-weight-normal my-3">3. Participez</h5>
  62.                                         <p>Inscrivez-vous et participez au tournoi ou festival que vous aurez choisi.</p>
  63.                                     </div>
  64.                                 </div>
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  68.                         <div class="col mt-lg-6 mt-3 text-center">
  69.                             <a href="{{ path('home_route', {'routename':'search'}, relative = false) }}" class="btn btn-primary animate-up-2"><i class="fas fa-search-location mr-2"></i>Trouver un tournoi ou festival</a>
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  78.                                             <span class="fas fa-address-card"></span>
  79.                                         </div>
  80.                                         <h5 class="font-weight-normal my-3">1. Ajoutez votre festival</h5>
  81.                                         <p>
  82.                                             Cela prend moins de 15 minutes pour ajouter votre tournoi ou festival sur Bridge Festival.
  83.                                         </p>
  84.                                     </div>
  85.                                 </div>
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  92.                                             <span class="fas fa-cubes"></span>
  93.                                         </div>
  94.                                         <h5 class="font-weight-normal my-3">2. Améliorez</h5>
  95.                                         <p>
  96.                                             Ajouter les options pour proposer une expérience améliorée à vos compétiteurs.
  97.                                         </p>
  98.                                     </div>
  99.                                 </div>
  100.                                 <!-- End of Icon box -->
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  105.                                         <div class="icon icon-shape icon-lg icon-shape-secondary mb-4 rounded-circle">
  106.                                             <span class="fas fa-seedling"></span>
  107.                                         </div>
  108.                                         <h5 class="font-weight-normal my-3">3. Grandissez</h5>
  109.                                         <p>
  110.                                             L'exposition sur Bridge Festival vous aidera et vous amènera de nouveaux compétiteurs.
  111.                                         </p>
  112.                                     </div>
  113.                                 </div>
  114.                                 <!-- End of Icon box -->
  115.                             </div>
  116.                         </div>
  117.                         <div class="col mt-6 text-center">
  118.                             <a href="{{ path('admin_festival_create', {}, relative = false) }}" class="btn btn-secondary animate-up-2"><i class="fas fa-plus mr-2"></i>Ajouter un festival</a>
  119.                         </div>
  120.                     </div>
  121.                     <div class="col mt-5 text-center">
  122.                         <a href="https://bridgefestival.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GD/overview" target="_blank" class="btn btn-outline-gray animate-up-2"><i class="far fa-question-circle mr-2"></i>Documentation détaillée</a>
  123.                     </div>
  124.                 </div>
  125.             </div>
  126.         </div>
  127.     </div>
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